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Online groups, photo galleries and blogs
Crisis Over
Crisis Over is a sickle cell disease blog managed by Aaron Lloyd, a freelance writer, photographer and filmmaker, with an intention to serve the sickle community by creating awareness about the disease. Lloyd is living with sickle cell. He lives in Freeport, NY with his wife, Michelle an educator of almost twenty years.
Aaron Lloyd has written about music for over 20 years, ranging from the seminal R&B group TLC to hip hop icons A Tribe Called Quest. His work has appeared in Rap Pages, Vibe.com, and many other media outlets. He is a contributing author to the compilation book, Be A Father to Your Child – Real Talk From Black Men On Family, Love, and Fatherhood. Lloyd is currently producing, directing and writing his debut film Crisis Over, a sixty-minute documentary exploring the complexities of life with sickle cell disease.

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