Trusted Resources: Evidence & Education
Scientific literature and patient education texts
Sickle Cell Disease Coalition: Build Your Own SCD School Binder
source: Sickle Cell Disease Coalition
year: 2023
summary/abstract:The Build Your Own SCD School Binder offers school personnel, students, caregivers, and other stakeholders a repository of evidence-based resources and recommended interventions to support the academic and biopsychosocial wellness of students living with SCD.
Resources included reflect a diversity of topics, perspectives, and needs. This toolkit is designed to provide a wealth information that may become relevant at different points of a student’s educational journey – from daycare to higher education and employment. For ease of access, resources are organized by relevancy to different stakeholders, including:
- Teachers
- School Nurses
- School Administrators
- Coaches
- Caregivers
- Students
Use this repository to build your own personalized “SCD School Binder” by:
- Reviewing the resources listed in each section (see Table of Contents, pg.3)
- Downloading and/or printing relevant items
- Compiling these materials into a binder for reference throughout the school year
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