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Gene Therapy: What You Need to Know (Warrior FAQs)
source: Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Inc.
year: 2023
summary/abstract:Two gene therapies were recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat sickle cell disease: Casegevy from CRISPR/Vertex and Lyfgenia from bluebird bio. You probably have questions about these new treatment options. Read more below.
Is gene therapy a cure for sickle cell disease?
Gene therapy is a potentially curative therapy. This means that it could act as a cure, but it is too new to say for sure. It causes a big decline in pain episodes, but we need to learn more about long-term impacts and side effects. It is also not a “one-and-done” treatment. The FDA currently recommends 15 years of patient follow up.
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