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source: National Marrow Donor Program

year: N/A


If you might want to have children in the future, tell your doctors before you start treatment for your disease if possible. Before any treatment and therapy, the patient should discuss with the doctors about the chances of having children. Chemotherapy and radiation can reduce a person’s fertility (ability to have children). But, even if some treatment is already taken, there might be chances having children.

 Some patients consider freezing sperm, eggs or embryos as it can take time for them to plan for this process. Some couples are able to have a baby using donated sperm or eggs, and others may choose to adopt. Doctors can suggest the best according to the situation.

 Not all patients become infertile (unable to have children). Some have had children without freezing their sperm, eggs or embryos. If someone does not want to have children, birth control is an effective option. 


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