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Today’s Faces of Sickle Cell Disease: Carolyn Rowley, PhD
Carolyn Rowley is a psychologist, patient advocate, founder and executive director of Cayenne Wellness Center and Children’s Foundation. From a young age, Rowley always had a strong faith and dreamed of one day working as a missionary to improve people’s lives. In a sense, she has fulfilled that dream by embarking on what she considers a divine mission as an advocate for those living with sickle cell disease in California.
As founder and executive director of Cayenne Wellness Center and Children’s Foundation, Rowley has spent nearly 20 years working to reduce the barriers and discrimination faced by individuals with sickle cell disease while increasing awareness among patients, providers, and the public. But she’s not just an advocate; Rowley also is a patient. She experiences the very struggles of those who live daily with the painful disease and yet is determined to create a brighter, more equitable future.

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