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Pfizer rare disease introduces Council for Change to further help SCD patients
Following a report earlier this year that drew attention to the challenges of living with sickle cell disease and the urgent need for change in patient care – particularly in hospital emergency departments – Pfizer Rare Disease brought together the Sickle Cell Disease Council for Change (CFC).
The CFC consists of more than 20 national Sickle Cell Disease advocates, patients, and experts who tackle the pressing issues faced by those living with the disease. The CFC is focused on improving quality of patient care along with enhancing education and advocacy for the Sickle Cell Disease community.
Sickle Cell Disease is a lifelong debilitating blood disorder that causes reduced blood and oxygen flow in the body, often resulting in organ damage and severe pain.

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This platform is made possible through a partnership with the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. (SCDAA) and its member organizations. SCDAA's mission is to advocate for people affected by sickle cell conditions and empower community-based organizations to maximize quality of life and raise public consciousness while advancing the search for a universal cure.