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Cassandra Trimnell
Community Advocate Founder & Executive Director
Sickle Cell 101
San Francisco, California, United States
Cassandra Trimnell founded and is standing executive director of Sickle Cell 101, a non-profit organization that specializes in sickle cell education primarily through the use of social media. Trimnell is certified by the Department of Public Health as a Sickle Cell Educator and is responsible for creating the educational material and curriculum disseminated by Sickle Cell 101. This curriculum is targeted to a wide-ranged audience, providing comprehensive and easy to learn material about sickle cell disease and trait. Sickle Cell 101’s educational material is accessed by users from over 72 countries and reaches users by the tens of thousands. Education targets include sickle cell patient population and the general public.
Trimnell has a Bachelor’s in Global Studies — Social, Political and Economic Development from Sonoma State University, California. In her free time, Trimnell volunteers her time to other sickle cell organizations. Her passion for sickle cell advocacy and education stems from her living with sickle cell disease.
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