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Clint Joiner, MD, PhD
Researcher Director of Hematology
Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
2015 Uppergate Drive
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Dr. Clinton Joiner is a Director of Hematology at Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center. Dr. Joiner was recruited to Emory in 2012 as Director of the Hematology Program in the Division of Hematology/Oncology. As a Professor of Pediatrics, he holds the Aflac Children’s Endowed Chair for Hematology. With nearly continuous funding by multiple NIH grants since 1984, Dr. Joiner’s basic research has focused on red blood cell physiology, specifically cell volume regulation and its abnormalities in sickle cell disease.
He has served on numerous NIH review panels, various program project reviews and the K23, K24 and K99 panels. Dr. Clinton Joiner has served on numerous advisory committees to NIH, industry groups and the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. He currently serves as the Training Director of the Atlanta Pediatric Scholars Program (K12HD072245) that provides support for pediatricians at the junior faculty level who aim to develop funded research programs in basic and translational science.
Representative Publications:
KCl cotransport mediates abnormal sulfhydryl-dependent volume regulation in sickle reticulocytes
Dipyridamole inhibits sickling-induced cation fluxes in sickle red blood cells
The activation of KCL cotransport by deoxygenation and its role in sickle cell dehydration
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