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Debbie Murray, RN, CPN, CMAC, CHC
Patient Support Professional Director of Population Health Outreach and Care Coordination Services
Community Care of North Carolina
2300 Rexwoods Drive
Suite 100
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Debbie Murray is a Certified Nurse Manager, Certified Health Coach (CHC), Certified Pediatric Nurse (CPN) and Case Management Administrator Certified (CMAC). Currently, she is the Director of the Population Health Outreach and Care Coordination Services at the Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC).
Debbie Murray worked as the Manager of Telephonic Support Program at CCNC. She also worked at the North Carolina Clinical Research and Growing Child Pediatrics as Registered Nurse (RN) and Director of Clinical Services, respectively.
Murray graduated with a BA degree from the Wake Technical Community College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Debbie Murray also authored a poster about the sickle cell disease initiative and presented it at two case management conferences. She also spoke about Sickle Cell Disease and care management at additional conferences in the fall of 2017.
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