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Edith Aimiuwu, RGN
Healthcare Provider Clinical Nurse Specialist
Whittington Hospital
Magdala Avenue
London, United Kingdom
Edith Aimiuwu was trained as a registered general nurse (RGN) in Nigeria in 1985 and midwifery in 1987. She came to the UK in 1992 and joined The Whittington Hospital in 1993 following the completion of the nurse adaptation course. She qualified as a pediatric nurse in 1999 and joined the ward permanently in 2000 where she worked as a ward sister until February 2005. Edith then worked as a clinical nurse specialist for sickle cell at the North Middlesex Hospital from February 2005 to October 2006 and rejoined The Whittington Hospital as a Roald Dahl pediatric hemoglobinopathy clinical nurse specialist. As a sickle and thalassemia nurse, Edith has provided support for patients and their families within their home environments and with minimal disruption to school and family life.
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