Trusted Resources: People & Places
Healthcare providers, researchers, and advocates
Jane A. Little, MD
Healthcare Provider Director of UNC Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease program
The University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Mary Ellen Jones, 8th floor
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
Jane Little, MD, is a Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology and Director of UNC Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease program at The University of North Carolina School of Medicine. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology and fellowship trained in Hematology/Oncology. Her special clinical interests include benign (non-cancerous) blood diseases, primarily sickle cell disease, and bone marrow transplantation.
Dr. little was appointed Director of the Adult Sickle Cell Disease Program at UH Seidman Cancer Center in 2011. Prior to joining University Hospitals, she served as an attending physician and hematology consultant at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York.
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