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Lori E. Crosby, PsyD
Researcher Co- Director
Division of Behavioral Medicine
& Clinical Psychology
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Dr. Crosby works in Cincinnati, Ohio and specializes in Psychology. Her research involves community-engaged research, self-management, quality improvement, sickle cell disease, health disparities, patient centered outcomes, shared decision making, health services research.
Clinical Interest:
– Adolescents and young adults; sickle cell disease; transition to adult care; chronic pain; migraines; diversity and inclusion
Research Interest:
– Community-engaged research; self-management; quality improvement; sickle cell disease; health disparities; patient centered outcomes; shared decision making; health services research
Representative Publications:
Erratum to: Patient Perspectives on Gene Transfer Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease
Patient Perspectives on Gene Transfer Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease
Improving Sickle Cell Transitions of Care Through Health Information Technology
Medication adherence among pediatric patients with sickle cell disease: a systematic review
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