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8 Tips to Support Students With Sickle Cell Disease
source: Black Health Matters
year: N/A
summary/abstract:In the United States, sickle cell disease is most commonly found among African Americans or persons of African descent; however, people of all races and ethnicities can have SCD. About 1 in every 365 African-American babies in the U.S. is born with SCD; and worldwide, approximately 300,000 babies are born with SCD each year.
As more people move from areas highly affected by SCD to the U.S., schools will become more diverse and there is a higher chance that teachers will encounter a student with SCD in their classrooms.
As with any student with a chronic health condition, students with SCD may experience health problems during the school day. To support these students, teachers, nurses and administrators can:
Ensure Adequate Access to Water/Hydration
Staying well hydrated by drinking plenty of water can help prevent pain episodes and other health problems. Thus, unlimited access to water throughout the school day is essential. Frequent, small amounts of water are better than trying to drink a large amount of fluid at one time. Allowing access to a bottle of water in class is an option.
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