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Amerindian/Asian Ancestry and Mortality Are Associated with Allo-Immunization in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease in a Genome Wide Racial Admixture Study
source: American Society of Hematology
year: 2016
authors: Zhengyuan Wang, Chia-Hao Liu, Kathleen Vaughan, Caterina Minniti, Gregory J Kato, Lena Diaw, James G. Taylor
summary/abstract:Background: Transfusion is a standard therapy for acute and chronic complications of sickle cell disease (SCD). They are complicated by a high prevalence of red cell antigen alloimmunization, which is not seen in other frequently transfused patients. Reasons for this increased prevalence are unclear. Some studies have suggested genetic predisposition to alloimmunization in all transfused patient populations. Others suggested that mismatched red cell antigens occurring commonly between blood donors of European ancestry and patients with SCD who are of African ancestry is a primary cause in SCD. Accordingly, phenotypic antigen matching and transfusion from African American donors are proposed strategies to minimize alloimmunization risk. We hypothesized that if these population differences are the etiologic basis that analysis of ancestry at the genetic level could identify significant genetic susceptibility contributions and localize susceptibility loci.
Methods: The Bethesda Sickle Cell Cohort Study consisting of adults evaluated at NIH from 2001-2015 (n=721) was reviewed for transfusion history and the presence of allo-antibodies confirmed with a blood bank. Genomic DNA was genotyped with an admixture panel consisting of 2251 ancestry informative SNPs in 359 patients and in HapMap controls. A final panel of 1622 SNPs was used to infer ancestry proportions using Structure assuming 3 ancestral populations. Ancestry was analyzed in regression models along with clinical variables. Genome wide admixture mapping was performed to identify regions of the genome where the ancestry proportions differed significantly between cases and controls. We used AncestryMap for a log-additive case control study assuming various risk models.
organization: NHLBI, NIH, Bethesda; Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx; Heart, Lung and Blood Vascular Medicine Institute, Pittsburgh; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicineread more
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