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Expert answers on kids health
source: TeensHealth
year: 2019
summary/abstract:When it comes to taking care of yourself away from home, a lot depends on how severe your sickle cell symptoms can be and where you are going to college. If you’re going to college where the climate may make symptoms worse (like a high-altitude location or a region with very hot or cold weather), you may need more care for pain or other symptoms. If your college is near a big city, it may be easier to find doctors familiar with treating sickle cell disease than if your college is in a small town.
Regardless of where you go to school, you’ll need to plan your care around both places. Here are some tips:
– Keep in touch with your at-home hematology team. Doctors and nurses who have been caring for you over the years are the best people to manage your overall health. Arrange in advance to get regular check-ups during school breaks. Let your at-home care team know whenever you get medical care at school — and send or bring a copy of any lab results or health center records back to your hematologist.
– Find a doctor in the college student health department (or near your school). Do this as soon as you arrive at college so you have a plan in place in case an emergency happens. Fill the doctor in on your health situation and give him or her contact information for your hematologist back home.
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