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Oral Manifestations of Sickle Cell Disease
source: British Dental Journal
year: 2019
authors: Chekroun M, Chérifi H, Fournier B,Gaultier F, Sitbon IY,Ferré FC,Gogly B
summary/abstract:Sickle cell disease is one of the most common autosomal recessive genetic diseases. It gives rise to abnormally shaped red blood cells with altered function, the primary clinical features being haemolytic anaemia and vascular occlusion. Acute complications are frequent and variable and include chest syndrome, stroke, infection mainly due to asplenia, bone pain and priapism. Other chronic complications which can occur are bone necrosis, nephropathy and heart, lung and skin disorders. Oral lesions are also very common and include aseptic pulp necrosis, mucosal damage due to anaemia, fungal infections due to numerous antibiotic therapies, dental eruption delays, bone pain and osteomyelitis of the maxilla, and oral neuropathies, including of the mental nerve of the chin.
The oral care of sickle cell patients requires specific precautions such as good management of local anaesthetics, rigorous anti-infective prophylaxis as well as controlled prescription of analgesics. Regular oral follow-up of sickle cell patients is necessary.
organization: Paris-Descartes University, France; Laboratory of Molecular Oral Pathophysiology, France; Paris-Diderot University, FranceDOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.4
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