Trusted Resources: Evidence & Education
Scientific literature and patient education texts
Sickle Cell Disease and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
source: Springer International Publishing
year: 2018
authors: Emily Riehm Meier, Allistair Abraham, Ross M. Fasano
summary/abstract:This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for sickle cell disease (SCD). The book reviews new data about risk prediction for severe SCD, outlines the unique challenges of HSCT for patients with SCD, profiles the supportive care guidelines for patients who are undergoing HSCT, highlights our current understanding of the best transfusion support for SCD patients prior to, during and after HSCT, and provides new perspectives about the ethics of HSCT for pediatric patients with SCD. Published in the last few years, several landmark phase III trials that utilize matched unrelated and haploidentical donors for HSCT in SCD patients are also placed in context with respect to current management.
Written by experts in the field, Sickle Cell Disease and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation is a valuable resource for physicians and researchers dealing with and interested in this challenging, yet exciting, curative therapy for sickle cell disease, that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts.
organization: Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, USA; MDChildren’s National Medical Center, USA; MDEmory University School of Medicine, USADOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62328-3
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