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Scientific literature and patient education texts
Sickle Cell Disease – Hydroxyurea: What You Need to Know
source: National heart, lung and blood institute
year: 2018
summary/abstract:If you have sickle cell disease, your body makes sickle-shaped, or crescent-shaped, red blood cells. For patients who have sickle cell disease, an oral medicine called hydroxyurea may be able to help.
Patients who take hydroxyurea must have regular medical care. A doctor who knows about hydroxyurea can tell you about the risks and benefits of taking this medicine.
Taken daily by mouth, hydroxyurea can help:
· Reduce the likelihood of having a pain event
· Reduce the need for blood transfusions
· Improve anemia and quality of life
· Reduce emergency visits and hospitalizations
· Prevent symptoms like acute chest syndrome, a condition similar to pneumonia
Some patients may also benefit from taking a new medicine called L-glutamine oral powder. Talk to your doctor to determine if this medicine is right for you.
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