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What you should know about diabetes tests if you have sickle cell trait
source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
year: N/A
summary/abstract:If you have sickle cell trait (SCT), the hemoglobin A1C test used to test and monitor diabetes (a potentially lifelong disease in which you have high levels of sugar in your blood) may give false results which can affect the care you receive from your healthcare provider. The good news is other tests and test methods are available that will give you accurate results you can trust. Knowing that you have SCT and letting your doctor know will help your doctor choose the right A1C test for you.
How are the results of the A1C test affected by SCT?
If you have SCT, the A1C test might give false results, depending on the A1C test method used. These false results could lead to you being undertreated or overtreated for diabetes.
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